Sunday, May 6, 2007

On a Break :(

So it looks like I won't be running for a while. I'm extremely sad about it and I hope my doctor can help me find a way to be able to run again. I have been having some pretty severe knee pain, and have been hoping the exercise would help. Well, it hasn't helped, and it has only gotten worse. So instead of risking the health of my joints long-term, I have decided to take a, hopefully, short-term break from the couch to 5K program.

Now I just have to make sure I get my exercise in other ways. Good thing I have a doggie to motivate me to take long walks! And hopefully I'll be able to post something soon about my running!


Michelle said...

Hopefully you will be able to come to a solution for getting back in the saddle! In the meantime, even walks are great for your health! :) Keep it up!

What's Cookin Chicago said...

Sorry to hear about your knee pain and I hope it gets better soon! **hugs**

That Girl said...

Hey you! Has your knee gotten any better? I'm so way out of the loop! I'm tagging you for a meme. Forgive me.

Meghan said...

I'm sorry you can't run for a while! Maybe get into a pool this summer...thats great workout!

p.s. you can dip those fried doughnuts (great to post this on your running blog) into melted chocolate and place on parchment until cooler.

p.p.s.- link me on your blog

klutz4eva said...

I hope it gets better. I can't even imagine how hard it is to not be able to do something you love a lot.

Ashleigh said...

Hi hun! I'm so sorry to read you are injured! I wish you a quick recovery! I will keep you in my prayers. P.S.....TAG! I've just "tagged you". Visit my blog for details...take care!

Nirmala said...

Oh, that is so frustrating. I'm so sorry. Rest up and do other things like yoga. When I was sidelined for months I became a fan of yoga and really feel that it enhances my running life.